Product Photography
Providing quality product photos to businesses of all sizes since 2000. Our team of experts have perfected our process over the years, making it easy to work with us no matter your location. Our photos integrate seamlessly with popular platforms such as,, and Shopify
We specialize in transforming your product photos into captivating, high-quality visual assets. Our Master Color Correction Advance Process™ combines expertise, creativity, and advanced technology to deliver exceptional results that drive conversions and boost sales for your eCommerce business.
Master Color Correction Advance Process™
Our signature color correction service enhances your product images by accurately representing colors, adjusting exposure, and creating a visually appealing balance. Stand out from the competition with our advanced color grading and customized correction techniques.
Image Retouching
Our skilled professionals eliminate any blemishes, dust, or imperfections from your product images, ensuring they look polished and professional. Give your customers the confidence to buy with high-quality, flawlessly retouched images.
Start an order
If you're sending in products for photography, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to get the project off the ground. You'll need a reference number so that when your items arrive at our studio they can be identified easily. We will also give shipping guidelines - letting you know where and what details are needed from each shipment of goods!
Ship us your products
Gather your best products, ensure they're free of dings and scratches, and send them on their way to our Long Beach studio! Secure packaging is essential for the safe arrival of each item. Don't forget to include a reference number inside so you can track when your order reaches its destination—it's almost there!
Shooting Process
After your products reach us, we'll get in touch to double-check all the details of your order. Once that's done and payment is complete, it's time for the best part - capturing gorgeous photos of what you have sent! We are excited to work with you on this project and create something special.
Instant online delivery
Once your photos are ready and meet our high-quality standards, we will showcase them for you in a secure online gallery. From there you can download the images whenever suits your needs; and even make alterations if necessary (additional costs may apply). Afterward, we'll pack up all of the products with care before shipping them right to you - whether it's covered by an invoice or charged straight onto a UPS/FedEx account!